Retirement Planning Just Got Easier With These Simple Strategies

Retirement Planning Just Got Easier With These Simple Strategies

You’ve invested years into the workforce and are now considering retirement. What factors drive some people to retire sooner or later in life? Is there a specific age-range that’s best to retire? Planning for retirement is unique for each individual’s situation and goals. Optimal timing for retirement depends on the person’s needs, aspirations, and financial position. It’s important to maintain flexible and open to new possibilities when planning for retirement. 

Thinking of retirement? Consider this:

1. How many years have you been in the workforce? Social Security collects a portion of your employment income, accumulating funds for when ready to retire. Social Security provides detailed benefit information based on age, work history, and income. Applying for benefits is also possible on the Social Security website. According to AARP, the longer you wait to collect Social Security after age of 62 the greater the return. AARP comments further, “For each year you delay, your Social Security benefits will increase between 7 percent and 8 percent up to age 70, depending on your year of birth.”

2. Determine monthly income and monthly expenses. Jot down all sources of income and expenses for each month. This provides detailed information on financial obligations needed when considering retirement options.

3. Which sources of income will commence upon retiring and which will cease? List new sources of income such as Social Security, 401K’s or other retirement plans, savings, investments, and others. Also review income sources that will cease or decreases, and include updated financial figures to your retirement planning list.

4. It’s never too late to strategize for retirement. Regardless of age or work experience there are many options available. Seek assistance from a financial expert who can provide retirement options based on your goals and financial needs.

5. Working is still an option after retirement. Seeking employment after retiring is a choice for individuals who require extra income or enjoy working. There is a limit to the number of work hours allowed when receiving Social Security benefits. Consult with Social Security to make sure you’re keeping within their guidelines.

*All suggestions should be discussed with a professional who specializes in retirementment prior to implenting any ideas discussed in this article. This article is only intended for informational purposes.

How To Maintain A Productive Workday

How To Maintain A Productive Workday

How we initiate each workday has great influence on productivity and workflow. Unexpected circumstances are likely to arise; yet organizing job responsibilities can yield positive outcomes. With just a few strategies you can start your day accomplishing more with less stress. Get ready for a productive and fulfilling workday!

Tips to increasing work productivity: 

1. Review traffic updates in advance. This allows ample time for planning alternative routes before heading out to work. It also provides various commute options, which is beneficial during the holiday season, road constructions, and high traffic times.

2. Re-evaluate job tasks and objectives first thing in the morning. Review assignments to determine what still requires your attention today. Other team members may have completed work tasks. What took priority yesterday may not require your attention today. Determine areas that require your attention and reassess again in the later day.

3. Prioritize assignments and deadlines. Develop a list of daily priorities from greatest to least important job tasks. This provides a blueprint on areas requiring your immediate attention each workday.

4. Examine tasks that can be delegated to other employees. Sharing responsibilities can help alleviate workload, allowing more time for important matters that cannot be taken care of by others. Keep in mind the individual’s job role and scope of practice when delegating.

5.  Use break times wisely. Be sure to disconnect from work activities during break times and lunch. Eating lunch is important for your health, and also generates more creativity and energy to complete job assignments.

6. Remain flexible when unexpected circumstances arise. Job demands can be challenging, let a lone when unplanned situations increase workload. Remain flexible and positive, while putting efforts in areas requiring your attention. Consult with your supervisor on job tasks that can be delegated or handled at a later time.

7. Plan your next workday in advance. Schedule assignments with prompt deadlines to be accomplished early in the day. This provides abundant time to prepare for assignments requiring immediate attention. When deadlines are not a factor, it’s beneficial to plan important projects during high-energy peak times. Planning ahead of time helps decrease stress and promotes work productivity.

Tips For Positive Results On Social Media Job Searches

Tips For Positive Results On Social Media Job Searches

Social media is one of the strongest platforms used by jobseekers and businesses alike. Individuals seeking employment as well as companies needing qualified workers benefit from Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social sites. With the growing interest in social media, more and more individuals conveniently search for jobs using mobile and other electronic devices. However, it can be daunting to examine numerous job posts from various social accounts on a daily basis. The good news is jobseekers can narrow work options and get positive results by implementing a few strategies on social sites. 

Getting Positive Results on Social Media Job Searches:

1. Use hatchtags (#) and keywords when conducting job searches. Keywords are often used to draw in candidates with occupational skills suitable for the job opening. When seeking employment on social media include your occupation (e.g. Administrative Assistance) and location of work preference (Minneapolis, St. Paul, Roseville, etc.). You can also search for work schedule preferences such as part-time, fulltime, temp-to-perm, and seasonal. Precise hatchtags are useful when seeking work specialties. Examples include #cardiacnurse, #pharmacists, and #automechanic. General hatchtags are also worth exploring as many posts are geared to attract a large social media audience. Examples include #jobseekers, #jobs, and #hiring. You can also follow specific pages you know post jobs like; 🙂

2. Explore different job searches. One job search can include the keywords “fulltime hairstylist”, while another search includes “hiring pharmacist Minneapolis”. Introduce various keywords that align with your career options and desired work environment.

3. Review the date on social media posts. Established social accounts have numerous followers, and posts can be shared between followers rather quickly. A job that was available in the morning may no longer have an opening in the later afternoon. It doesn’t hurt to contact the company for more information, but do keep in mind jobs may become unavaibale rather quickly.

4. Reach out to human resources or staffing personnel.  Depending on the company’s social media manager, comments and messages left by jobseekers on social sites may not be retrieved instantaneously. It’s best to contact the human resources department directly for specifics on job openings.

5. Have a notebook or note-taking app handy. List available job openings in order of preference. Highlight jobs you contacted, and include information of the human resource personnel for follow-up if needed. Keeping organized decreases confusion and increases productivity, as many companies post the same job openings in various social sites.

6. Stay proactive. Social media sites are very active and the information spreads very quickly. If there is a job opening that resonates with your skills and qualifications be sure to respond in a timely fashion. Be sure to check out the Job Board as we have positions opening up all the time

Simple Strategies To Increase Work Satisfaction

Purposeful employment, career growth, and personal interests are factors influencing professional aspirations. Most individuals have the opportunity to choose a career path, yet vocational choices may present unexpected outcomes. How can we cultivate work satisfaction despite career outcomes? Simple strategies can be implemented to make your daily work shift satisfying and meaningful.

Simple Strategies to Cultivate Work Satisfaction:

1. Build a relationship with coworkers. Make an effort to connect with other team members at work. Social interaction with others is a great way to build professional relationships, and in turn enhances job satisfaction.

2. Communicate with your team leader. Brainstorm with your supervisor, providing suggestions that enhance work environments and professional aspirations.

3. Consider occupational requirements. Find creative ways to make meaning of unsatisfying work responsibilities that must take place. Certain job duties seem daunting, yet they provide a beneficial purpose for everyone involved.

4. Focus on the good. Even the toughest occupations have positive qualities. Noticing influential attributes in your current job shifts the focus from the negative, contributing to satisfying careers.

5. Enhance your environment. Small changes can cultivate greater work satisfaction. For instance, individuals who enjoy outdoor settings yet work indoors can decorate their workspace with nature themes, listen to relaxing sounds, and open window blinds for an enhanced setting.

Career outcomes may differ from initial expectations, yet there are ways to increase work satisfaction. The idea is to see the good in your current occupation, while cultivating an environment that promotes work performance. Get excited about your career! Your leap to work satisfaction can start today!

Career Insights From Famous Thought Leaders

Perhaps you dreamed of becoming a pilot or astronaut, yet career aspirations seemed unattainable. Some people choose professions like dentists and business, while others desire to transform and inspire the world. Why do some individuals succeed and others are challenged with the mere thought of starting a career? Let’s explore the advice of some of the greatest influencers who are impacting our world till this present day!

Steve Jobs co-founder of Apple encouraged people to go beyond the ordinary and believe in his or her individual potential. One of Steve’s famous quotes reads, “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become.” Only you know your innate gifts and skills, and the work environments conducive to your potential. At times a dream job fails to provide the needed resources or opportunities for career growth. In such instances get creative exploring other job opportunities with similar responsibilities, yet offering optimistic career outlooks.

Motivational coach and speaker Tony Robins shares his insightful 6 steps to Total Success in a series of videos from one of his top workshops. Click Here to watch.

Another great influencer is the late Maya Angelou. Maya’s career advice is a golden nugget! Maya shares light on career intentions and driving forces for success stating, “You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.” Success brings a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. If the driving force is rooted on helping others and manifesting meaningful change, success in your career is bound to follow. On the contrary, only seeking financial gain can limit career potentials and lead to dissatisfaction in the long-term.

Suze Orman is well-known for her financial advice, yet her work dedication began years before career success manifested. Suzie started as a waitress and worked her way up to the financial advisor and motivational speaker she is today. Suze recommends “thinking outside the box” and being open to different opportunities stating, “If it’s feasible, ask if you can volunteer or intern for a month or two. Who’s going to turn down someone offering to work for free?” Suze also recommends networking and asking friends and family to help in job searches.

One commonality seen in these great influencers is perspective. These people faced challenges like everyone does, yet they each focused on success and moving beyond the struggles. Rather than allowing difficulties to create roadblocks keep a positive outlook and career success is likely to follow.


Perhaps you dreamed of becoming a pilot or astronaut, yet career aspirations seemed unattainable. Some people choose professions like dentists and business, while others desire to transform and inspire the world. Why do some individuals succeed and others are challenged with the mere thought of starting a career? Let’s explore the advice of some of the greatest influencers who are impacting our world till this present day!

Steve Jobs co-founder of Apple encouraged people to go beyond the ordinary and believe in his or her individual potential. One of Steve’s famous quotes reads, “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become.” Only you know your innate gifts and skills, and the work environments conducive to your potential. At times a dream job fails to provide the needed resources or opportunities for career growth. In such instances get creative exploring other job opportunities with similar responsibilities, yet offering optimistic career outlooks.

Motivational coach and speaker Tony Robins shares insightful tips in an interview with Dan Roth LinkedIn’s Executive Editor. Tony encourages people to focus on who you want to be, and what you want to give? He goes on to share how we are all here to “deliver” and touch other people’s lives. For career success we determine how to give back and how to serve.

Another great influencer is the late Maya Angelou. Maya’s career advice is a golden nugget! Maya shares light on career intentions and driving forces for success stating, “You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.” Success brings a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. If the driving force is rooted on helping others and manifesting meaningful change, success in your career is bound to follow. On the contrary, only seeking financial gain can limit career potentials and lead to dissatisfaction in the long-term.

Suze Orman is well-known for her financial advice, yet her work dedication began years before career success manifested. Suzie started as a waitress and worked her way up to the financial advisor and motivational speaker she is today. Suze recommends “thinking outside the box” and being open to different opportunities stating, “If it’s feasible, ask if you can volunteer or intern for a month or two. Who’s going to turn down someone offering to work for free?” Suze also recommends networking and asking friends and family to help in job searches.

One commonality seen in these great influencers is perspective. These people faced challenges like everyone does, yet they each focused on success and moving beyond the struggles. Rather than allowing difficulties to create roadblocks keep a positive outlook and career success is likely to follow.